Tuesday 7 June 2016

Be True To Your School

Photo sources here and here
I think the use of our mascot the "Golden Eagles", as well as our school's logo in my design was an effective way to really represent "Blackville School".  Instead of using a typical mascot costume on the van, I used an actual eagle to appear more professional.
The most challenging part for me was deciding on a van/bus to use for the design.  I did not want to use a plain bus, so it took a lot of time to find one that actually had one of our school colours.
The easiest part for me was deciding what to do with the van.  I have seen many sport/school related buses around, so I had a good idea of what would look most presentable.
I wouldn't say I have a lot of interest in digital art o design, it is not really something I enjoy, or even something I am particularly good at.

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