Friday 12 December 2014

Journal entry #5

During our assignment of creating a game on sploder I chose to create a game using the Retro Arcade feature on the site. My game consisted of four levels, each increasingly harder than the last. Also, I attempted to make each level different from the others, whether it be with the theme or simply with the characteristics of the challenges and obstacles throughout the stage. For me, the easier aspects of the game were not creating the grounding or choosing the way I was going to plan it out, but just adding in all the smaller details like enemies, treasures, etc. The most challenging thing for me throughout this assignment, was trying to make each level difficult without being impossible. To fix these issues I had to constantly replay my game to attempt to make it as doable as possible without making it too simple. I did help out several of my friends to create their games, I would play theirs for as long as possible and give them feedback on whatever needed to be fixed or challenges that I found too easy to complete. Sploder seemed to be a very effective site for creating games, although I didn't particularly enjoy this assignment, I did find that people who were more into gaming or video game design found it much more appealing. The thing I did like best overall throughout this assignment was just playing the games after finishing, it sounds lazy, but it was a lot more entertaining. Least of all the things I enjoyed was the complications with saving my game, some days the changes I made before hand would erase and it was just a huge inconvenience. I would definitely not call myself a "serious" gamer, I would have to be a casual gamer. Gaming is not something I would do for fun, more of a thing to "pass the time", and that would only be if reading or watching a movie was not an option. Occasionally, I will play fighting or racing games with my brother and cousin, for example, Mario Smash Bros or Mario Kart. A favourite game is not something I would say I have, I don't play enough of them to have a favourite. My mobile device does not have any games on it other than social media apps such as Facebook, but when I do play games with family, we usually use a game console.

Reflections on Digital Life

Facebook Follies:

             On Monday, November 17th, we watched a documentary surrounding the various topics regarding Facebook and all the negative affects what we post online can have on us now, and on our futures. With today's technology and the comfort each individual seems to have on the web, we really need to be cautious of what we post online, especially in our younger years. We may not be aware of the affects of putting our personal photos and information online now, but it can affect us greatly in our future careers and can put our personal privacy at risk. Facebook is fantastic for contacting old friends and family but it can also be seen as a wonderland for identity thieves, hackers and other criminal types who would take advantage of knowing other's personal information. You kind of have to give them credit, they are quite intelligent and crafty when it comes to trying to steal other's information. We may not be aware of it, but by allowing Facebook to hold our personal information we are also giving them the opportunity to sell this information to other companies and organizations. When you think about it, it's quite surprising that we were ever so comfortable sharing such personal documents with the world wide web.

Digital Life Quiz:

         My reactions to the information discussed in the quiz were that I was shocked that 80% of teens ages 15 to 18 believe their friends share too much information online, that says something about the way we respond to such situations, have they told their friends they believe so? As well, I couldn't believe the high percentage of teens who admitted to have been in a car with the driver texting! I thought drivers would be much more cautious of texting and driving since it is now against the law, and so many accidents have happened and so many lives have ended because of it. The way I use digital media in my own life compares to the statistics I've learned in the quiz by the usage of my cellphone. I too, sleep with my cellphone near my bed, I would also agree that I send more than 100 texts each day. I believe I use my cellphone the most, for iMessage and Snapchat. The digital media I use the least would have to be Facebook, mainly because I prefer the speed of Snapchat and iMessage and the simple communication it provides.

The Digital World:

          One upside of living in the digital world for me would be that I can connect with my family and friends who do not live in my area, also I am able to catch up on my favourite TV series when I miss an episode. A downside to living in the digital world would be that stalking or the chances of someone tracking you down is increased because of the technology we have, and the way we can use it. Living in the digital world effects our relationships with others as individuals by making us become less social. We're so used to just simply logging online and having endless conversations behind a computer screen that when it comes to one on one interaction, we find it awkward and uncomfortable. Technology is effecting the way we manage as a society by making it easier for people to say rude and violent things, without being caught. Aswell, technology is making society as a whole, a judgmental, rude and insecure group. We beat eachother down over the internet, making us cruel and then the ones who received these harmful messages become insecure and scared. I do connect with others over digital media via Facebook and other social media sites, yet, I do not regularly create things using digital media.

Digital Dummies?:

          When watching Doc Zone's: Digital Dummies I found it fascinating that in todays world, we basically rely on technology to do anything. It's like we cannot function properly without the use of technology in the palms of our hands. Almost every person you meet today has a cell phone or technology of some kind! In my opinion it's almost like technology is an essential in life, politicians use it, even the queen herself is involved with technology. During the video, they discussed how having technology involved in a work space can cause much unneeded stress. I agree that it would stress workers out more than needed, it's like having a portable work space, it goes with you everywhere and it never stops, you're "on the clock" all hours of the day. Also during the video, it brought our attention to the fact that our minds can not multitask as we believe they can. We simply task switch at a very quick rate. It makes you wonder about how we believe we are aware of everything, but frankly, we don't notice half of what is around us.

Inside the Dark Web:

          While watching Inside the Dark Web there were several things I found interesting and others I found simply terrifying. I found it very unusual that some of the technology mentioned in the video, can be used in our houses and can detect our presence for things like turning on the lights in our house or starting other devices we regularly use during our daily routine. When the video discussed how much data certain wires can transfer in so little time, I found it amazing that they could do it so quickly. Although, there are many things that concern me. One of which would be that it's terrifying to think that not only the government, but these technology manufacturers are watching or tracking our activity online. I do understand why companies observe our activity online,(to bump up their sales by advertising and to help out their company) but I do not agree with it. I think that privacy is part of a person and it is not right to invade that, just for your own uses. Today, with new improved technology there is the factor of anonymity, people trust certain networks like T.O.R. but what do they really know about the anonymity? I find it interesting that people put so much trust in this network, what if someone was to hack in, just to prove the inefficiency of the site? Would it stay anonymous?

Technology Presentation:

            "Information seems to find us, rather than us finding information", that is one quote from the presentation Mr.Savoie gave us that really caught my interest. It's true, when you really think about it, no longer do we go and search through news papers or other articles in magazines to find information, it simply comes to us via cellular communication or television. Also, during his presentation I found it fascinating how the images on this presentation had to be changed and upgraded so frequently, just to keep up with the development of technology. Mr.Savoie discussed being tracked online and it reminded me of a video we watched the day before about how our activity online is being tracked and charted. Aswell, being careful of what you put on the web because it may affect your future is another thing we've discussed in class and watched videos about. Finally, I think it is terrifying that just by searching people's social medias, they can get so much information about you. You really do need to be cautious of what you post online.
Also from Mr.Savoie's presentation I learned:
The Three R's of Maintaining Control:
- responsible
- respectful
- reliable

Privacy on the Internet:

           My thoughts while reading this graphic novel were mainly connecting the issue in the novel to my own personal life. I thought about if I was to ever lose my cellphone, and all the information that would be put out there from it. During my discussion with my partner, we spoke about how terrifying it would be if someone was to get a hold of our phones or other digital media we have, and about the many things they would know about us, (location, what we look like, who our friends are, etc.). Also, we mentioned how keeping complex passwords for every site we have access to is a very smart idea.

Everyday Privacy:

           After reading the article I realized all the things I already knew about everyday privacy. I was very much aware that businesses can sell your personal information to other companies, based on your interests. Also, I knew that security cameras everywhere can track the activity you do in its range. It surprised me that when returning an item to a store, you are required to give personal information from your drivers licence and that when using a bank machine there are cameras watching, either from above or from the device itself, it makes sense why, I just never thought they actually did that.


          In cyberbullying situations, there are usually four main roles, the target or victim (the one who is being harassed or targeted -bullied- online), the offender or in simpler form, the bully (the person(s) who is harassing or targeting -bullying- people online), the bystander (the one who sits back and watches everything that is happening with no attempt to stop it, confront the bully or to help out the bullied) and lastly, the upstander (opposite to a bystander, an upstander will make an attempt to stop the bullying that is happening, confront the bully or to help out the victim of the bullying. Sadly, the absence of a upstander is more common than we would like. Cyberbulling can escalate or intensify greatly, but it all depends on the way you handle the situation. If you address the problem at hand right away, it will go away much sooner than if you let it go on or attempt to fight fire with fire. It is important to be an upstander rather than a bystander because you need to imagine yourself in the victims shoes, wouldn't you want somebody to help you out if you were in such a tough situation rather than sit around and watch it all play out, possibly encouraging the bully's actions in the process? When in a cyberbullying situation, some of the best options for the target would include simply ignoring the offender, do not give them the attention they crave and do not give them the pleasure of a negative reaction, they could use this against you in more ways then you may understand. As a upstander in a cyberbullying situation, sometimes the best thing you could do is not react to the bullying specifically, but to the effect it has on the bullied. Sometimes all the target may need is a friend or person to help and be there for them, in cases like this, the bully sees the person not as an outcast as he/she wishes to make them, but as a person with a shoulder to lean on. All of these ways you can use to end a cyberbullying situation are effective because they take away the offenders power. If they do not have power or control over you (the victim) then eventually, they will get bored of just punching shadows.

Gina's Sploder Game Assignment

Wednesday 12 November 2014

Journal Entry #4

             For the past week in BBT, we have been working on Google Slides, a program used to create presentations. For my assignment I chose to explore the topic of, "Technology and Device Therapy for Communicating with Autistic Children". This topic caught my interest because it is something I know a little bit about, considering my brother and cousin have Autism. The video discusses the use of technology in aiding non-verbal Autistic children with their verbal communication skills. I have used many other programs like Google Slides before but this one would have to be my favourite because of all the extra features it contains. I especially enjoyed the themes we could choose for our slides, mine was chosen because of its bright colours, they were very appealing to me. Aswell, using animations to enhance my slides was one of the most interesting things for me. Overall, my experience with Google Slides was a success.

Tuesday 28 October 2014

Photo story: Game Day

The World Wide Web, Web 2.0 and Cloud Computing

Video #1: The first video I watched was about "Cloud Computing", a service made to help out other businesses. I found it interesting that Lucy can utilize this service for everything that goes with her company like delivery, computers, advertising and storing her data. As well, I find it very convenient  that "Cloud Computing" is basically risk free. She doesn't have to worry about ruining her own computer and losing all the data, because "Cloud Computing" can back her up. "Cloud Computing" is a very useful service also, because it can help businesses stay organized and keep pace with all their major problems.
Video #2: The second video I watched surrounded the topic of "Cloud Computing" as well, but it was more about how it all works and what it is than the benefits of the service. It was interesting to find out that by posting images to any kind of social media website, you are already apart of Cloud Computing's services. Also, I really enjoy the fact that with "Cloud Computing" it's practically impossible to lose your favorite photos. Again, you don't have to worry about breaking your own computers, because the image is already out there, "in the cloud". People find "Cloud Computing" to be a great back up as well. It's interesting that by just posting an image online, it can be anywhere on the web! You can never lose it.
Video #3: The final video I viewed was "Web 2.0". It's interesting that every little thing we do online causes an effect on the machine. As said in the video, everytime we use links, text and other everyday things used on the web, we are teaching the machine something. Another part in the video I enjoyed and took interest in was the small details and facts that were quickly scanned through, like that a blog is created every half-second. The way the web connects us all is another thing I find very interesting! Youtube, Blogs, Twitter, all of these are places on the web that we all can connect and get to know eachothers true self. It's amazing really.

Wednesday 1 October 2014

Photography Techniques

The first video we viewed as a class was on "The Rule of Thirds". This technique is important when capturing photos because it helps to make the image much more appealing. As well, this camera technique shows just how important placement, position, and how much you show of the main object really is. Next, we watched a video on filling the frame when capturing images. I find this technique important because, if your main object, -especially when taking action shots-, is not the object of attention, then the important details may be drowned out by all the background items. I like that filling the frame shows off so much more detail in the image. "Framing" was the third video we viewed. The part I like best about framing is that, the technique puts more focus on the main object. Also, I think this technique is important because it gives you an idea of what is going on around the main object. After that, the next video was about "Point of View". Point of view is important because certain angles can give the viewer a feel of how important the object being viewed is. It shows you how important camera angles really are in order for the main object in the photo to have a greater effect. The final video we watched was about having a level horizon when taking a photo. It enhances the object, (or scenery), being viewed, making it look more professional and simply, more pleasing to the eye. Also, it makes the image appear more "head on" and important. All of these camera techniques are very important in photography.

Tuesday 16 September 2014

Journal Entry One

In class last week, we discussed the policy surrounding the computers, how to troubleshoot one if needed and how to create a Google account. When discussing the computer policy Mr. Carter placed us in groups to create a skit about one of the polices, my group worked quite well together, we did not have very many issues. Creating the Google accounts was a whole different story, a good portion of the class had difficulties with creating Google accounts and plenty of the computers we used needed to have a troubleshooting sheet filled out.  I haven't encountered many of the problems that the others have, for example, my friend's Google account wouldn't send him the code via text message, it just wouldn't work. I gave him my number to use instead, to see if the code would send, it did. Something I found interesting during these classes would be some of the computer polices and troubleshooting the computers, many of the polices were ones i haven't heard of, like where we must only use the email provided by the school for assignments and such. It's a minor thing but it can cause many problems apparently. Overall, my experiences with the computers went much better than I expected.