Wednesday 16 March 2016

Journal #8: Digital Law

Once finishing this unit, the thing I found most surprising was how even with all of the companies that have started, and all the support that is provided all over, suicide rates are still high. Even though things like cyberbullying, and copyright, and all of these things discussed in this unit are illegal, they are still so common! We blame the internet for all of our problems, but we need to be the change. It shocks me that we are taking so long to realize this.

The part of this unit that I have had the most trouble with was the section on copyright. I found it difficult to locate the answers to the questions, and to judge how much information was too much. As well, it was a challenge for me to understand the different rules there are involving music, and plays, and how they all change depending on the situation. These problems were easy for me to solve because I would just simple reread the material given and examine the information.

The "Copyright Matters!" manual  in my opinion, is a good resource for children curious about the rules of copyright.  It displays information in an effective way, so the reader may understand.  The only issue I have with this manual is how unclear it is about what the consequences are if you violate these rules.  I think it would be more helpful if that was stated, but overall, it gives us a well put interpretation of the digital law on copyright.

I have to say, the website "" is an excellent source of information.  In my opinion, it is something that can help many people of all ages struggling with several, diverse issues.  If you are going through a difficult time in your life, I believe the information, and advice given on this site can do a lot to ease your mind.  As someone who has gone through situations like some of the ones subjected here, whether it be with myself, or someone else, a site like this can be really helpful.  Especially for those who do not know where to turn, or how to handle their problems, it can be a great resource.

The biggest issue with copyright in young people today, in my opinion, is that they fail to understand the consequences of copyright.  They do not realize that when they copy other's work, they are in fact stealing.  I think that half of the time, they do not see how serious of an issue this really is.

I think the biggest issue with young people regarding cyberbullying (and privacy) is again, being unaware of the effect they are having on others.  Exposing others in a way that can harm them is bullying, and sometimes we do not even notice we are doing this.  Our carelessness can affect other's lives, and even end them.  This is a huge responsibility for young people, to be as careful as possible when posting things online, or even just when speaking to others.  You need to be cautious of other's feelings, and what they could be going through.

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